My affection for accessories came from watching my grandma whose style was ever elegant and classic. She often looked put together in matching sets and smart jackets with gold accents and she often indulged her impulse for collecting handbags and shoes. I loved spending time in her closet perusing her handbags and wondering about all the places they had been.
Now while designing, I still imagine and consider the places a handbag is going, how it can be useful and how it might live in a closet for years to come. Accessories in their essence are the cherries on a sundae, that extra something special. For me, the mark of a great accessory is one that has a sense of personality and strikes a chord of timelessness.
I’ve been creating pieces behind sewing machines since 2015 and spent three beautiful years at the Savannah College of Art and Design studying accessories. There is nothing more exciting to me than designing a set of handbags to match the vibe captured in my collages. Perhaps for some, it’s easy to overlook accessories as little things but I find that giving a bit of celebration to little things is what being alive is about.